CSA Shares
CSA Shares
Community-supported agriculture shares connect you directly with the farm.
Seedlings in the Spring
Seedlings in the Spring
Vegetable plant starts from our farm.


What is Community Supported Agriculture?

Community members purchase a “farm share” for the growing season, which entitles them to a weekly share of the harvest throughout the season, grown by a farmer they know and trust.

Membership includes weekly produce, a weekly newsletter, recipes, and invitations to CSA workdays and farm events and the opportunity to enjoy the farm each week.

Old Fly Farm Shares

As a member of the farm, you will receive a weekly share of fresh vegetables throughout the harvest season. (June through October).

A “Full Share” consists of 8-12 different items of produce a week; enough to feed a household with 2 adults.

All members have access to seasonal Pick-Your-Own crops during pick-up at the farm: Flowers, fresh herbs, cherry tomatoes and more…

Share contents change with the seasons. The Spring shares contain lettuce, cooking greens, sugar snap peas, radishes and salad turnips. Summer shares contain more diversity as we welcome the arrival of tomatoes, squash, onions, garlic and carrots. The Fall crops come in and we dig root vegetables, harvest winter squash and leeks, and prepare for a bounty of broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts.

2023 CSA update

Follow the link below to register for one of our CSA locations. Check or cash is preferred but we can also accept credit cards online. We offer payment plans that allow you to pay for your share in 3 installments. Just choose the "Invoice Only" option at sign up and we will get back to you to set up a plan that works for you.

Tuesday 4:30-7:00pm Wescott (private residence on Buckingham Ave)
Tuesday 3:00-6:00pm Farm in Fabius
Thursday 4:00-8:00pm Beer and CSA at Onco Fermentations in Tully
For this location buy directly from Onco.
Friday 3:00-6:30pm Farm in Fabius
Friday 2pm-6pm Pewter Spoon Cazenovia

Garden Seedlings in the Spring

Find garden seedlings at Old Fly Farm in Fabius in the spring.


The Farm

The Farm

Old Fly Farm is located in Fabius, NY, a beautiful setting 25 minutes south of Syracuse. The small farm is situated along a hay field, which our neighbor has farmed for generations. The land is divided into smaller sections to allow for many different types of crops to be planted and rotated from year to year. Large sections of the field are left untouched to promote biodiversity and allow beneficial insects a place to reside. The surrounding woods and hedgerows also provide habitat to many different species of wildlife, especially birds.

Our growing practices reflect our commitment to the quality of our products and the health of the land. We do not believe sustainability is simply a set of practices continuously applied to the land, but rather a process through which ecological vitality of the land itself improves over time. So we are constantly learning ways to improve our production of on-farm fertility, reducing our tillage through crop rotations and the use of cover crops, and to promote a habitat for beneficial insects and animals.

The farm is named after The Old Fly, a small creek located near the farm in Fabius. The old Fly flows into the Fabius Brook which feeds into the Tioghnioga River while ultimately travelling to the Chesapeake Bay. While naming our farm after The Old Fly, it demonstrates our commitment to our watershed, our environment, and our communities.


Angela grew up in Syracuse and earned a degree in International Development from Clark University in Worcester, MA. She worked on many farms in Massachusetts, New York, Maine, and Maryland while realizing her passion to have a farm of her own. Upon meeting Matt in 2005, she shared with him her dream of farming and the couple made plans to return to Syracuse to get married and start a farm life together.
Farm Family

Farm Family

Matt, originally from St. Louis, MO, is Associate Professor of Geography at Syracuse University and pursues his passion of researching and teaching about environmental and social issues. Loretta celebrated her second birthday this year, on the new farm! We are thrilled to see her explore and engage in the farm.


Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you.  If you have questions fill out the form.

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